Cant sign in to my account anymore due to bugs. Also losing all those cool songs I came across in my travels since I cant access it.
App wont even open anymore. It completely bugged out and would not let me exit the app- I had to restart my phone to stop it from freaking out.
I keep coming back because I loved this app for so long, that I keep having high hopes it will get better. But, every time Im reminded why I deleted it the first time.
Only listen to a playlist every 8 hours? I can understand royalties and cost, but that seems a bit ridiculous. Its a major deterrent against the app now, along with the cut skips. I get it, I do, but you have to meet people halfway here. Compromise! I still love the playlists that people make and the music I find via the app- but the apps layout makes that once upon a time relaxing process just a chore.
The sad part is theres no other music apps I like as much as I used to love 8tracks. I wish we could have kept that love strong but everybody changes, I guess.
Bye, 8tracks, for the final time. I wont be downloading or using it again until I see your reviews improve. Hope you can figure yourself out, buddy.
DarkaLarka about 8tracks - Best Playlist Radio, v3.3.7